Subject: FIVE-POINT HARNESS (Score: 95) Author: Tarrkid Uploaded By: Tarrkid Date: 5/24/1995 File: 5POINT.TRA (355 bytes) Estimated Download Time (19909 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 1248 Equipment: PC Needs: Disney's COASTER This coaster was created in the "classic" style: all settings (gravity, friction, et. al.) at normal levels, no accel tracks, no brake tracks (except maybe one at the end..I can't remember), the track never bangs into track supports or other tracks. But most importantly of all... ...This bad boy's worth 95 POINTS!!! (I actually got a 96 on a 486/33, but 95's the best to date on the P/90) Let me know what you think... ...Tarrkid